We are proud to have stood alongside many individuals and families as they navigated their journeys through pregnancy and beyond.


Client Stories

We are proud to have supported many individuals and families as they navigated their journeys through pregnancy and beyond. Through our care, we have learned that no two experiences are the same. By sharing our stories, we can all learn, grow, and heal.

Their stories are inspiring, and by sharing them with us, they hope to help others experiencing a similar journey. 

Should you need assistance throughout or after your pregnancy, please get in touch with our team today by phone, text, or by visiting any of our locations.

What brought me to Mainsprings was the incredible quality of people and the attention they provide. Every time I arrive, I feel welcomed and at home.

I’ve received various services, including prenatal classes, peer- counselling, clothing, baby supplies, and even some food items. These services have been tremendously supportive for both my family and me, especially since we were new to the area and didn’t know anyone. Knowing that such support exists has made me feel genuinely grateful and accompanied throughout my pregnancy and now with my baby.

I highly recommend Mainsprings Airdrie to those going through difficult times; there will always be someone here to listen to you and accompany you.

I would like to thank the entire team for all of the support. It really made a difference to me and my family.

Yayna, Airdrie Client

I was halfway through my pregnancy when I found out I was pregnant. I was terrified.

I was no longer with the father of the baby, nor did he express any interest in being involved. I moved in with my parents, and we decided to take it one day at a time; everything will work itself out. As I’m an overthinker, all that was going through my head was how much stuff I needed (and in such little time), how little I knew about babies and nothing about how to be a mom.

My finances were also a concern, as I work a minimum-wage job. I dreaded going to sleep because all I could think about was, “How in the world can I make this work? I simply can’t.” I spoke with my friend and explained to her how I was feeling. She sent me a list of resources that she thought would be helpful for me. The first one on my list to call was Mainsprings.

I spoke to the kindest lady, Carleen. She had such care for me and my situation, and I never felt any judgment from her. I was told about everything they provide, with a list of other resources that could be of help to me, too. Speaking to someone so kind, empathetic, and who truly cared about helping me, was so comforting and exactly what I needed.

My daughter is now 16 months old. Mainsprings has provided her clothing (from when she was a preemie to now), baby essentials, and so much more. They also have items for parents, such as health care/toiletries, and even some food items. I’ve also been offered professional counselling.

My peer support worker has been my biggest cheerleader, someone I consider a great friend. All the staff at Mainsprings have welcomed us with open arms. They are so kind, genuine, and caring. The staff absolutely adores my daughter, and my daughter adores them!

If you need a helping hand, call Mainsprings. They are the best thing that has ever happened to my daughter and me.

Megan, Airdrie Client

We walked in, not knowing anything, and walked out equipped with information about all the options available to us, knowing that no matter what, we had support.

When I first found Mainsprings, I needed a pregnancy test, so I went to the dollar store to find one. I circled the store a few times before giving up on finding one there. Eventually, I Googled ‘pregnancy test,’ and that’s when I found Mainsprings.

We were living out of the back of our truck in a new area at the time, so that seemed like the best option. I went ahead and called the number and made an appointment for the next morning. We walked in, not knowing anything, and walked out equipped with information about all the options available to us, knowing that no matter what, we had support. [We left that day] knowing what every single one of our options was and how to navigate that choice after choosing.

Since that initial meeting, Mainsprings has continued to make a huge impact in our lives by having access to fresh food, peer support on a regular basis (AKA saving our relationship), as well as clothes and necessities for mom and baby! We’ve also accessed other community resources, like the food bank or community-based links, which we otherwise wouldn’t have known about without Mainsprings, as well as meeting new people in the community! They really have made it possible to have a baby by giving us information about just how much support is out there!

I would say to anybody experiencing pregnancy or who has a baby that Mainsprings is the first thing I’d highly recommend. I honestly don’t know what would have happened if I never found the Mainsprings because it’s been one of the best things to ever exist!!

Marion, Airdrie Client

I was initially looking for prenatal classes, but I got a lot more services than I expected.

This is Meeta, and I’d like to share my journey with Mainsprings Strathmore. I started going there in August 2019 when I was pregnant with my twin boys. I was referred by a friend to go check it out.

I was initially looking for prenatal classes, but I got a lot more services than I expected. They supported my family with prenatal and Babies’ First Year classes. They also provided us with [some baby essentials], baby clothing, maternity clothing and other items that I needed. They also let me know what activities or programs were going on around town in case it was something of interest to me and my family.

Through Mainsprings, I came to know about various opportunities and also [joined] a postpartum support group. I was able to access their services and benefit from it. Now, with my fourth baby, I am with them again, and it’s been very wonderful for me. I was able to do Moms in the Park this summer, and it was really fun.

What I am really grateful for is the volunteers, who are so kind and caring. They have always called me to check how me and my family have been doing. I recently recommended Mainsprings to one of my friends who is expecting, and I will keep recommending them to my friends. Last but not least, a very big thanks.

Meeta, Strathmore Client

I have been going to Mainsprings since my daughter was 2 weeks old. My doctor referred me to them because I needed mental health support to cope with being a new mom.

My husband has also been involved with some of the programming and classes at Mainsprings. The employees and volunteers have been so supportive. They continue to check in with me and be involved 4 years later as we continue to try to expand our family.

They have provided us with free pregnancy tests and baby supplies. I have participated in the program called Baby’s First Year, as well as a Parent Support Group for those with young children. My daughter and I have enjoyed Moms in the Park when the weather permits.

Our favourite part of Mainsprings is that they are very welcoming. Their door is always open for us to drop in and chat. My daughter lovingly calls it the Caring Centre, as they often have a gift for her to make her feel special and cared for. We are so thankful for all the support Mainsprings has provided over the years to our family.

Julie, Strathmore Client

After my first trimester of pregnancy, I was struggling with the choice of whether or not to place my baby for adoption or to keep my child and be a single mom.

Seeing how stuck I felt, given the gravity of the situation, my doctor recommended I get in touch with Mainsprings to assess my options, get additional support, and determine what my plan for this baby was going to be.

I was placed in contact with [a peer support worker] who immediately became a source of knowledge, peace, and safety in one of the most difficult times of my life. Throughout my pregnancy, I met with her on a weekly basis (via Zoom) to discuss any new questions or concerns I had, but also to get another perspective on the situation. With years of experience, she was able to provide me with the answers and guidance I was seeking to eventually make my decision and be at peace with it.
Mainsprings gave me so much to be thankful for. I was gifted a baby box filled to the brim with baby essentials [and so much more]. But beyond the material items I was given, I was also blessed to do my prenatal classes through Mainsprings and receive peer support services after my pregnancy. Towards the end of pregnancy, they also helped with communication between myself and my baby’s father so that we could peacefully determine the best plan for this child, once they were born.

Time and time again, they gave of their time … to provide me with the emotional and mental support that I needed to get through. It is only through Mainsprings’ encouragement and support that I felt like I was equipped to be able to parent my baby. Knowing that I had their guidance and years of experience to fall back on, gave me the assurance that even though it might be difficult at times, I could raise this baby.

It’s been 3 years since I first got in touch with Mainsprings and two and half years of loving my child with all my heart. This may not have been the plan I had for my life at the time, but it has proven to be the greatest gift and biggest blessing for me. For that reason, I will always be eternally grateful for the role Mainsprings played in getting me to where I am today. The world will tell you that unexpected pregnancy is the end of the world and that it will ruin your life; Mainsprings gave me the courage and resources to see that an unexpected situation could be a beautiful new beginning.

Kate, Calgary Client

As we started a new life in Canada, I fell pregnant. We were just trying to get jobs, rent a place and settle in.

With the increase in insecurity in Northern Nigeria, we were seeking a safer environment to raise our children…That’s where our Canada journey began.

As we started a new life in Canada, I fell pregnant. We were just trying to get jobs, rent a place and settle in. We had our sons, a 5-year-old and an 11-month-old (still breastfeeding) at the time. We did not think we would be able to keep this [pregnancy] due to our current circumstances… I was 11 months post Cesarean, and we were not mentally, physically, and financially ready for another baby. Besides, we had two already and didn’t plan on having any more.

Prior to having my baby, I had not worked, and we depended only on one income. I had worried that we would not be able to give our children the best. So much so that I had again struggled to decide if we should have our daughter. At that point in our lives, we were in need of every type of support imaginable.

…a friend reached out to me one day. She told me about Mainsprings and how they could be of support to me. I was hesitant because I didn’t want to go where I would feel judged for asking for help even though I needed it. Eventually, I placed a call to Mainsprings Calgary, which referred me to the Airdrie location.

Mainsprings Airdrie stood by our family through our tough moments. [They provided so many baby essentials and other necessities] This was far more than we imagined. But there was more support!

We began to take the classes offered by Mainsprings, and they helped us.

Mom Life series was one of the sessions that helped me connect with the realities that come with being a mom, managing anxieties, understanding my mental health, and when to seek help. Mothering Together in Canada sessions allowed moms a safe space to share their stories. We shared struggles and strengths, joys and pains. Walking with this group of women helped me to realize I was not alone. Most importantly, it built in me a can-do mindset.

The Dad Labs series was one of my husband’s favorites. He sure took a lot from that series, learning how being a better spouse is beneficial to the children and also cherishing every moment with the little ones being present in their lives as they grow.

Our family was also selected for an amazing donation of a Christmas hamper in 2021 by one of the sponsors. That giving brought smiles to every person in our home. We are thankful for volunteers that donated their time and talents to Mainsprings.

If you are a donor, I’d like to say thank you. Families out there are blessed because of your giving. Ours is one of them. You have and are still making a huge difference through the hope you bring to young families.

Nena, Airdrie Client

I came to Mainsprings because I was in need of clothing for my newborn baby. I ended up receiving more help than I expected.

I received sufficient clothing and accessories for my baby which I would not have been able to provide on my own…I even received parenting and early childhood education through the weekly classes.

The quality of my life and that of my baby improved because I could clothe my baby through all seasons and the classes have positively improved my baby’s social life and our morale in general. I always look forward to going to Mainsprings because apart from the tangible benefits, I also receive moral support and it makes me happy to know that I have Mainsprings in my corner of supportive people.

Mira, Calgary Client

I first came to Mainsprings looking for emotional support as I had just found out that I was pregnant and needed someone to talk to and gather my thoughts with.

Upon coming to Mainsprings, I started speaking to a peer support person who also connected me with counseling and other support individuals along the way. All the individuals I was able to meet during those 9 months were instrumental in my pregnancy and offered great support by listening and giving me a place to speak freely without judgment.

These services helped me tremendously throughout my pregnancy and continue to help me now as a new mom. I don’t think my mental health would be where it is today if it wasn’t for the support I received at Mainsprings. The women have helped me feel less alone as a single mom. I will be forever indebted to Mainsprings for their kindness and generosity.

Ana, Calgary Client